Sunday, February 26, 2006

To oranges, for instance

The porch light has now winked at me, and
the blue velvety curtain whisks closed. The nature
and kind of healthy foods are considered. Tomatoes
for instance, and Broccoli, the eye of the dollar
is terrifying in relation. We should flag that for
a later date. Follow up, they call it, pleonasm of
disdain, cortex of spurious denial and attitude of
elegance and movies. Big screen askance. The
fact is that tea is expensive sometime. Formosa
oolong, Jasmine, White needle, for instance.
Beans, oats, oranges for instance. Stately sat
isfaction, rind of hope, cry of dementation, the
last soldier has been there a while. There is a
growling in the radio. Viola, the heroine of us
is practically a sonata, by now, or in bee time vine
by Gertrude Stein. Mine, are the exceptional nature of
belated explanations, cornered, elementary schools
Somewhere else. The purpose of ants in carrying
rocks is not mysterious. The breeze is looking forward to us.
A review of whimsy, appreciation
and forward looking thought is nowhere
to be found. We do not search, its not
as though research wasn’t enough. Plain talk
from the bus has left exhaust fumes playing in the light
around our place. We don’t know in which universe
or case, pluperfect or hortatory we are to be found.
The orange is not round this time someone was
expected to reflect. But the roll of thunder,
played no part. Dance, it was all a series
of mistranslations from the storied world
and Pluto. The abandon of stories helps
balance the floriculture and other special niche
activities on the cruise of us
and the phantoms. We are not at liberty to say.


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